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1300x66 MMM 4K 3 For $30 2025

GRUV Digital FAQs

What is GRUV Digital?

GRUV Digital is our latest addition to the GRUV Entertainment family where you can order the latest Universal Pictures Home Entertainment releases, greatest hits and timeless classics as digital codes*, and begin watching them instantly via Movies AnywhereTM. To view our full digital movie range and latest offers please visit 

*Digital movie codes available on GRUV are limited to select titles from studios participating in Movies AnywhereTM

If I get a digital code, will I own the movie forever? 

You will be getting a license to view the movie on Movies Anywhere.  You can watch it as many times as you like but you don’t “own” the movie. All movies can typically be watched on a streaming basis for a lengthy period of time (often many years), but ultimately that period may end sooner or later as determined by the Content owner or MoviesAnywhere.  For more information, please view the terms and conditions at

What is a digital movie?

A digital movie is a digital copy of a movie that allows for direct playback* on digital devices such as a personal computer, smartphone, tablet, or Smart TV.

*Offline viewing eligible on select titles through the Movies AnywhereTM app

Is this a legitimate digital movie store?

Yes! is owned and operated by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment.

How do I redeem a digital code?

An email with a redemption link and digital code will be sent to your provided email address within half an hour of you placing the order. Occasionally some digital codes ordered on Friday and the weekend could take up to Monday to deliver to your email address due to internal order and payment checks. You can redeem the digital movie by following the redemption link or, alternatively, you can visit the Movies AnywhereTM website directly and redeem your digital code provided on the email there.

What is Movies AnywhereTM?

Movies AnywhereTM provides you with a free platform to collect and watch all your eligible favorite digital movies from and other participating retailers.

Do I need a Movies AnywhereTM account in order to redeem digital codes?

Yes, you will need a Movies AnywhereTM account in order to redeem your digital code, but the good news is it’s quick, easy, and most importantly – free! You can also link your Movies AnywhereTM account to any of the participating digital retailers, such as: Apple TV/iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, GooglePlay/YouTube, Microsoft, Xfinity, FandangoNOW, Verizon FiosTV, and DIRECTV, to have access to watch your movies on any of these platforms as well. For more information, please visit:

Wait, how do I redeem the code again?

It's easy! Just:
1. Go to and sign in or sign up
2. Enter your digital movie redemption code 
3. Select a digital movie and begin watching instantly!

Can I redeem a digital code if I live outside the United States?

All digital movie codes available on our site are redeemable on Movies AnywhereTM which requires that users must be a resident of the United States and located within the United States to create an account.

However, your Movies AnywhereTM collection can be accessed outside of the United States to stream and download your movies. For more information, please visit Movies AnywhereTM

I never received the e-mail with the digital code. Where is it? will send the digital codes to your email address registered on your account or, if you are a Guest User, to the email address provided at the checkout stage. Please ensure the digital code email hasn’t been sent to SPAM or your “Social” or “Promotions” folder in your inbox.

If you're still having difficulties locating the email, please contact GRUV Customer Service at for assistance.

How can I tell the resolution (SD, HD, UHD, etc.) of the digital movie?

The maximum resolution is displayed in the description and product page of the digital movie. You will receive a digital code for the resolution displayed at the time of placing the order.

I’m having trouble playing my movie on my device (computer, smartphone, tablet, streaming device, etc.).

If you are having trouble watching a movie you redeemed, please contact Movies AnywhereTM customer support for assistance.

Why isn’t my movie playing in 4K/UHD?

First, double check that your digital code was for a 4K/UHD movie. Some titles are only available in SD or HD. However, the resolution (HD, 4K/UHD, etc.) should be clearly stated in the product description and the product page.

If you have a 4K/UHD digital movie and it's showing up labelled as 4K/UHD in your account on Movies AnywhereTM but it's not playing in 4K/UHD, please contact Movies AnywhereTM customer support. Note that 4K/UHD playback may only be available on certain devices.

Can I get a refund or exchange the Digital movie for another?

If your code has not been redeemed yet and you no longer want it or wish to exchange it, we will do our best to fulfil your request. Please contact GRUV Customer Service at to discuss refunds and exchanges.

Do you price match?

No, we do not offer price matching for any digital products available on

I received a wrong movie. What do I do?

In the unlikely event of receiving a code for a wrong movie or wrong resolution, please contact GRUV customer service at and we will correct the mistake.

I ordered a digital movie bundle but only received one digital code, is that correct?

Yes! Once you redeem your digital code in Movies AnywhereTM all titles included in the bundle will be added to your movie locker.

I cannot locate my pre-ordered new release movie on Movies AnywhereTM after I redeemed my code. What do I do?

Pre-ordered new-release movies will not appear in your Movies AnywhereTM locker until the release date displayed in the product page. Please check your Movies AnywhereTM locker on the release date to begin watching instantly.

What is a CHOICE DEAL?

The digital movie CHOICE DEAL gives you the opportunity to select from a choice of movies once you redeem your digital movie code on Movies AnywhereTM. The full list of movies available for redemption at the time of ordering is available on the CHOICE DEAL product page*.

*All movies are subject to availability and may be updated periodically.

Do I need to redeem all movies in a CHOICE DEAL at once?

No, you can continue to use your digital code to select the movies in your CHOICE DEAL until the quantity is fulfilled.

If I get a digital code, will I own the movie forever? 

You will be getting a license to view the movie on Movies Anywhere.  You can watch it as many times as you like but you don’t “own” the movie. All movies can typically be watched on a streaming basis for a lengthy period of time (often many years), but ultimately that period may end sooner or later as determined by the Content owner or MoviesAnywhere.  For more information, please view the terms and conditions at